Securely Generate and Deliver Exam Question Papers
Role-based access management for defining question bank, subject experts, moderators, Question Paper Distribution

Our Question Bank and Exam Paper Generation process was scattered. Eklavvya helped us to streamline it using the online Question Paper Generation System.
Now, we are able to generate question papers according to syllabus at just a click of a button with high security.
Prof Madhushree Sekher
Dean – School Of Vocational Education Tata Institute Of Social Sciences

Design Question Paper According to Syllabus
Define the Question Paper According to Syllabus, Subject, and Topic Combination.
Define Exam Pattern with marking scheme
Random Selection of Questions as per pattern
Generate one or more sets of question papers

Subject Matter Expert
Question Authoring, Importing
Manage Question Bank Hierarchy
Define Question Attributes like Difficulty Level, Objective/ Subjective, diagrams, etc.
Simplify Question Paper Generation
Role-based access and security
Supports the role of Subject Expert, Paper Setter, Moderator, Controller of Examination
Secure Encrypted and password Protected Question Paper Generation
Subject Matter Expert
Question Authoring, Importing
Manage Question Bank Hierarchy
Define Question Attributes like Difficulty Level, Objective/Subjective, and diagrams.


Verify Question Paper
Question Paper is defined strictly as per the syllabus and guidelines prescribed.
No question is out of the syllabus or out of the context of the question paper.
There are no errors, spelling mistakes in the question paper.
Approve one of the question papers for the final examination Process.
Controller of Examination
Define the scheme of the examination paper in the system
Assign Paper Setters, Subject matter experts, and Moderators for the software system
Monitor the progress of each stream, subject for examination activity
Analysis for particular subjects where question paper generation activity is delayed.
Monitor Daily/ Monthly snapshots using the central dashboard.

Question Paper Printing and Delivery
Secure PDF File Generation
Password Protected Question Paper
Printing Validation and Secure Access
Prevent Question Paper Leakage using Technology
The examination process is one of the critical areas of education administration and the student grading process.
Many stakeholders need to work in a coordinated fashion to make the entire examination process and result processing seamless with 100% accuracy.
Online Question Paper Generation & Delivery
Security and Compliance without Compromise

CERT-IN Certified for
Software Security

ISO/IEC 27001:2013 certified for
Information Security System
Highly Rated by Users on Top Review Platforms

Frequently Asked Questions
What is a question paper generation system?
Question paper generation systems are cloud-based software which enables the user to manage a large volume question bank efficiently, sort, filter, and organize questions and generate the question papers of the desired configuration in an automatic way.
What are the advantages of the question paper generation system?
Question paper generation systems save time, cost, paper consumption associated with the manual question paper generation system. The user can handle large question banks easily and can repurpose the questions in exams. It is also possible to create the multiple question papers with desired configuration with a single click.
Which question types are supported by the question paper generation system?
The question paper generation systems support all types of questions including MCQ (Objective), Theory (Subjective), Multiselect, Fill in the blank, match the pair, and coding questions. Apart from this, the multimedia based questions with videos and images can also be managed using a question paper generation system.
Can a question paper with regional language be created using a question paper generation system?
Yes, it is possible to create a question paper containing questions in the regional language, all major regional languages spoken worldwide are supported by the question paper generation system, additionally, the question papers with multilingual questions (a single question in two languages, say bilingual) can also be created using a question paper generation system
How can I start using a question paper generation platform?
Once you opt in for a question paper generation platform, the very first step would be to build your question bank, you can bulk import the questions with the help of excel sheet. The questions can be tagged as per the subject and topic they belong to, difficulty level, question type and marks per question. Once the questions are imported, the user needs to define the configuration of the question paper; after which the question paper can be generated with a single click. The imported questions can be efficiently repurposed for future exams.
Does the user need technical expertise to use a question paper generation system?
No technical expertise or experience of using such a system is required, one with no technical knowledge can learn and adopt with this simple yet efficient technology. All you need is a device with internet connection, rest be assured that one with basic knowledge to use a smartphone can use question paper generation efficiently.
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