Exams are one of the most crucial parts of one’s life, exams can help the student to shine bright, and build confidence in themselves.
Evaluation of student performance and providing personalized feedback is an important part of the education journey. Qualitative, effective feedback can help students to improve their performance.
Proper measurement of student performance during exam activity is one such step.

As part of the institute’s continuous improvement, the answer sheet checking also must be streamlined in a more accurate way, here is how you can improve the accuracy of the answer sheet checking process
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Ensure Examiners are Checking all the pages of the answer sheet

While evaluating the physical copy of the answer script, examiners are expected to evaluate all the pages. many times students leave some blank pages for writing an answer in the later part of the exam, but due to time constrain, students may leave those pages blank and not write anything on those pages. This gives a false impression to the evaluator that the answer sheet is ended.
To avoid such confusion, the evaluators need to be recommended to visit all the pages of the answer sheet and mark all pages. This will improve the answer sheet checking accuracy to a great extent.
The onScreen Evaluation System makes it a mandatory step for evaluators to mark blank pages at the start of the evaluation process. The digital answer sheet evaluation system has many other advantages, here are the best practices to follow while implementing the digital answer sheet evaluation

- Eliminate manual answersheet checking.
- Check answersheets from any location.
- Automate result processing using technology.
Apply data Analytics for understanding paper-checking pattern

With data analytics, the administrator can analyze the pattern of paper checking, in case the examiner awarded consistently low marks or high marks to any of the students in a wrong manner, the same can be identified through the visual representations available in the OnScreen Marking System.
Also, it is possible to check the question-wise marking pattern. For each question, the administrator can see the mark awarding pattern. This can help the admin to understand the question-wise performance of the students. If any discrepancy is there in the mark awarding pattern, it can also be easily identified
Using analysis of the Time taken by each examiner to evaluate the answer sheet, you can check the quality of the evaluation. If a particular examiner is completing the activity in a short period of time then there might be an issue of quality. Feedback can be provided to the examiner in such cases

Simplify Moderation Process

Simpler processes are favored by everyone, no wonder that the simple processes find better acceptance and invite lesser errors, considering the same; in order to improve the accuracy of the answer-sheet checking process, you can consider simplifying the moderation process. Here is how you can simplify the moderation process
Implementation of OnScreen Marking System
These are the relatively new and advanced systems that enable the evaluator to check the answer sheet through a digital interface, the advantages of the OnScreen Marking System are many; including better coordination between the evaluators, better organization of data, and faster data processing to count a few.

Automatic Selection of Moderation Answer Sheets
Based on the marks issued by the first-level examiner, you can define criteria for a certain number of booklets or answer sheets that should be assigned to the moderator.
In this case, the moderator can log in to the system and can easily recheck the answer sheets. The system can be configured to take into consideration moderation marks or first-level examiner marks according to criteria.

Do Data Analysis of results for the entire batch to identify patterns and recommendations

What if the answer sheet evaluation process can give you valuable insight into how the teachers and students are performing? It will be great, right?
It is possible with the Digital Answer Sheet Checking platforms, the system can visually represent the data of marking patterns and subject/topic-wise performance of the students. This can be used for tracking the student’s progress, interests, and the teacher’s credibility,
With the insights from marking patterns, it is possible to orient the academic activities to improve the areas of weakness of the students and to align personalized teaching.
Answer sheet evaluation data points can provide useful insights into individual and batch performance. You can also align teachers’ performance with respect to a particular subject/topic/ Subtopic etc.

Use auto-subjective AI algorithms for system-driven evaluation

Descriptive answer sheet checking is typically considered a manual process, but it can be automated to a great extent by using advanced AI-powered answer sheet checking tools.
AI tool is able to understand patterns of correct and wrong answer texts.
Input to the AI tool would be historical evaluation data and then it assigns marks to respond to each question.
The evaluator AI tool can easily identify the correct descriptive answers and can save a lot of time on answer sheet checking. This also nullifies the chances of missing out on the correct points mentioned by the student in the answer.

- Eliminate manual answersheet checking.
- Check answersheets from any location.
- Automate result processing using technology.
Continuous Feedback from all Stakeholders for Improvement

In the case of offline answer sheet evaluation, there is hardly any scope for a feedback mechanism. This is more like a one-way process where providing personalized feedback is difficult
On the same point, it must be noted that continuous improvement in the answer sheet evaluation process is quite not impossible without feedback from stakeholders of examination activity.
The newer digital answer sheet evaluation technologies provide a platform for collecting useful information about student performance, examiner performance, and moderation performance.
This enables the mechanism to measure and improve student performance with improvement in the accuracy of answer sheet checking.